Monday, May 08, 2006

There's a lot going on, I'll try to boil this down:

Medical cause:
The specialists trying to find the cause of Aaron's issues have decided, as we expected, that they want a biopsy of Aaron's muscle and nerve. We will meet the surgeon on Wednesday, and the biopsies will be performed probably by month's end. It will take months to get results.

I hate to jinx us by saying this, but we may have eased the worsening sleep situation. Aaron's new pediatrician on Friday told us to make three changes: 1) give him Benadryl before bedtime as a sleep aid, 2) get him out of our bed and 3) no bottle feeding after 11pm.

We've done all this Saturday night and last night, with Aaron sleeping on a mattress on the floor of our room surrounded by pillows. He has slept much better both nights, which we attribute mainly to the Benadryl. This helps him greatly during the day, and obviously it gives us more sleep. We hope that this continues.

On a less positive note, Aaron's oral motor skills continue to decline. He is substisting mainly on Pediasure, a liquid formula we buy at the drug store. Clarice tries valiantly each day to get him to eat soft solid food, but he is mostly unable/unwilling to chew and swallow.

We will closely monitor his weight as this goes on. But the pediatrician warned us -- if this continues we will have to have what's called a 'plug' inserted in his side so that the Pediasure can be delivered directly to his stomach.

In addition, on Wednesday we see a gastrointestinal specialist at CHOP. Aaron has been on anti-reflux medication for a couple of weeks, without any improvement in eating, and this doctor will look further at that (and probably want tests).


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